Stop working more than you have to!

Learn these 3 steps how to own, share and monetize your gifts to create consistent
+$20K months with your natural magnetism

With Petia Kolibova Burns

When: June 6th 2024, 11:00 am PST

Where: Private FB Group (I'll provide the link)

Why: Because it's time you create overflow with ease!


When I think back to the first time I created my first $40K month I smile. It was December, month where I worked only a week and half.
That was the month where
I realized that creating overflow in my biz doesn't have to come from showing up consistently online, never ending launching and being slave to my phone.

No need for sleazy Dm's sliding
No need for cold calls
No need to have perfect launch plans
No need to have big following online
No need for big team
No need for paid ads

Like everyone else is teaching you.
Let me show you easier way.

Want to know how I did it? Sign up for my new masterclass and be UNAPOLOGETIC about monetizing your gifts too.